Wordy plus for tutors

AI assistant for tutors to enhance students' vocabulary


Language tutors don’t need to be experts in every field like
Wordy will suggest the words that are genuinely useful for each student.

For language schools and tutors

Simply upload word lists from lessons and track students' progress and vocabulary growth online.

Don't waste time searching for words and making lists

Wordy will suggest what to learn first and identify vocabulary gaps.

API integration

Easy setup, user-friendly interface, and API for integrations.

iOS & Android apps for students

Students can review words on any device: laptops, tablets, phones, and smartwatches.

Every tutor needs Wordy
Tutors spend 10 to 30 minutes making word lists after each lesson, and if they aren't familiar with the student's area of interest, this time can increase significantly.
With an average hourly rate of $50, the tutor loses approximately $8.33 for every 10 minutes spent preparing a vocabulary list after the lesson for each student, which is not paid for.
Every student needs Wordy
Whether students are learning at a language school, with an online tutor, or through a language app like Duolingo. Make it easy for them with Wordy: get word lists through notifications and widgets! No more writing words in a notebook, just simple, effective learning.

How it works

The tutor creates word lists in their dashboard, including lesson-specific or themed lists for work or study. The tutor can add words manually or let Wordy suggest relevant ones.
The student sees the list in the app and chooses words to review. These words will appear in widgets and notifications.
When the student knows a word, they tap "I’ve learned it", and the word moves to their learned list.
The tutor can track the student’s vocabulary progress online and adjust lessons as needed.


We're working to launch as soon as possible. Subscribe for updates to be notified when we go live.
For Students
All app features are available to your students at no cost.
For Tutors
per month
Fixed price per tutor, no matter how many students.
For Language Schools
per teacher / annually
Fixed price per tutor, no matter how many students.